To Find Us

Wells Family Practice
59 Mile Road
Wells, Maine 04090
(207) 646-0676
Map and Directions

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

After Hours
Lab and Test Results
Prescription Refills
Financial Responsibilities

Thank you for becoming a patient at Wells Family Practice. The information provided below will help you navigate the complex medical system and receive efficient, high quality care. Remember, there is no more valuable member of the health care team than you. Wells Family Practice is committed to help you in any way possible. If you have questions or concerns please give us a call at 207-646-0676 and we will do our best to assist you.


At Wells Family Practice, we value your time and ask that you value ours, as well as that of the people scheduled after you. Every attempt will be made to see you on time. In order for that to occur, we ask that you arrive for your appointment at least five to ten minutes before your scheduled time. New patients should plan on arriving fifteen to twenty minutes early to fill out paper work. If you are late for your appointment we will make every attempt to accommodate you, however, in fairness to others, we reserve the right to reschedule your appointment. If you are unable to keep your appointment please try to cancel or reschedule as soon as possible so others may utilize that time slot.

After Hours

One of our physicians is available twenty-four hours a day. They can be reached by simply dialing our number, 207-646-0676, and following the prompts to have them paged. After hours calls are for urgent matters that cannot wait for the next business day. For life threatening emergencies or situations, dial 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room.

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Lab and Test Results

It is in your best interest to have your lab and test results reviewed at an appointment. If an appointment has not been scheduled to discuss your results, or you have not heard from us within two weeks, please call and arrange a time to review your results.

Prescription Refills

The best medical care occurs when you are seen regularly. If you have not been seen for a while for an ongoing issue, or you are requesting a prescription for a new problem, we may insist on an office visit. We cannot effectively, and in most cases will not, treat problems over the phone. Prescriptions are best refilled at the time of your office visit. If for some reason you are in need of a refill, please call during business hours and allow a turnaround time of two business days. For your convenience we have an automated prescription refill line, at 207-646-2372. Please remember it is your responsibility to keep track of your medication quantity and call for your refills in an appropriate timeframe.


Although we make every effort to have a general working knowledge of individual insurance policies the sheer number of them makes it impossible for us to know specifics. Knowledge of the details of your insurance policy and its requirements is your responsibility. The insurance company and your employer can assist you in this endeavor. It is important when speaking with your insurer to obtain documentation such as the date you spoke with them, who you spoke with as well as the details of your conversation.

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Some insurance companies require you to have referrals; a kind of authorization, to see specialists or receive certain tests or studies. It is the patients' responsibility to know if they need a referral, whether the specialist is in their insurance network, and to make sure the referral has been completed before seeking specialty care outside of Wells Family Practice. In most cases you will be required to schedule an appointment with us so we can evaluate and assess your needs and facilitate the referral process. This is good, sound, efficient medical care. In general, referrals can only be done prior to seeing a specialist and are often time consuming to obtain. We will not back-date referrals. Please allow as much time as possible for us to obtain your referral. We require at least three business days to obtain a referral and will need the reason you are seeking care, with whom and the date of service. This is important because if not done, you may be financially responsible for the service.

It is important, and in your best interest, for us to be involved in your medical care. We reserve time in our schedule for same day or next day appointments. Please understand that we will not provide referrals for non-urgent visits to ambulatory care facilities or emergency rooms. If you are seen in one of those facilities and are referred to a specialist it is important to make a follow up appointment with us so that we can expedite and advocate on your behalf for any additional care needed.

Financial Responsibilities

Please be aware that co-payments are collected prior to your office visit and are expected at the time of service. For your convenience we except MasterCard and Visa as well as personal checks and cash. Please bring your insurance card to every appointment and make us aware of any changes in your insurance coverage or personal information such as address or phone numbers. If you do not have insurance, payment is expected at the time of service. Even if you have insurance you are still responsible for any unpaid balances.

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